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lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009


Zulema ventura

Santo Domingo, constitutional President of Honduras, Mr José Manuel Zelaya Rosales, subtracted Authority Government De-facto to carry out the electoral vote pautados for this next Sunday 29, which seeks to choose new authorities, given the conditions of illegality that is efectuarian them.

President Zelaya gave statements for the programme another the Government of the afternoon, caused by Z101, under the leadership of the journalist Consuelo Despradel and Dr. Victor Gomez Bergés.

Described as weak attitude taken by the President of USA Barack Obama and at the same time of ambiguous, stated that the elections have to be cancelled, reprogrammed and which will be the President of Honduras to meet his presidential period also.

¨Las elections are important, but not suficientes¨ cited reference to expressed by the replacement of USA Envoy Shannon, accused the United States for having violated the democratic of the Organization of American States OAS letter to support the electoral, process on the grounds that they are condemns from the international pacibles.

Also recalled that Honduras is a member of the Rome Protocol, body which has power to judge before the International Court.

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