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martes, 3 de noviembre de 2009

Zelaya claimed its restitution as soon as possible

The Honduran Congress will be Tuesday a meeting to discuss the agreement through which relies on solving the political crisis that the Central American country and that could end with the return to power of the deposed President Manuel Zelaya, expelled from power by a coup d ' état on June 28.

The President of the Congress, José Angel Saavedra, indicated in statements to local media that the meeting will begin at 9: 00 local time.

Zelaya urged Monday Government de facto to leave "delaying strategies" to implement the agreement reached and end the political crisis that has been four months, while Congress still did not define a date to vote their eventual restitution in Government.

The call occurs between 'zelayistas' calling for the restitution of the overthrown representative protests. Members of the national front against the coup d ' état began a vigil at the Congress venue to demand the return to power of Zelaya,

Saavedra recalled this Monday that "no one you can make deadlines the legislative body" and that, therefore, does not fit such pressures.

The overthrown constitutional President of Honduras said it is necessary that this happens because "Honduras is in the midst of the storm". In addition, commended the appointment of the former Chilean President Ricardo Lagos in Committee which will send the OAS Tegucigalpa to verify compliance with the agreement reached to resolve the political crisis

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